The performance: Arctic to tropical

The DIN-SPEC 91360

This temperature concept specifies the requirements for the use of packaging materials and passive cooling sys- tems for consumer-oriented food online retailing.

In addition, the requirements for the procedure for the shipment of refrigerated and non-refrigerated goods to the end user are also defined.

The E-Food Box is designed according to these require- ments and precqualified in a climate chamber. As a result, the E-Food Box offers the best prerequisite for food deli- very and ensuring the cold chain according to DIN 10508


The climate chamber test

The climatic chamber test was carried out in accordance with the standard NF S99-700. This French standard is now EU standard and distinguishes two temperature scena- rios. One for Southern Europe and one for Central and Northern Europe.

The E-Food Box has been tested with the temperature profile for Central Europe, covering the temperature range from 18 ° C to 31 ° C.